Sunday, December 5, 2010

Can You Imagine (3)

'Can You Imagine' is a weekly meme hosted by Heather on A Bibliophile's Paradise

The idea of this meme is for you to imagine whats going to happen next in your book and why. You can talk about a particular Character(s), the plot, ect. Try not to contain any spoilers.  Once your half way through your book start thinking about what's going to happen. If you read several books a week then you can have several "Can You Imagine..." posts, you can just do one once a week, or whenever you feel like it. I plan on posting one every Thursday, at least. I know it will be hard but try not to contain spoilers or at least to many, that stop others from reading the book for themselves. This meme is for others to get excited and want to read the book(s) for themselves and see how it ends.

I am a little more than halfway through The Devil Wears Plaid, Emmaline has been kindapped by James Sinclair, and at the point where I am at, there is a sensual tension between the two, but there is also a emotional tie that is building as well, but a certain lack of trust that still needs to be built. I imagine that there will be something that will happen to Emmaline to have her to start trusting in Jamie and I can imagine that he will get what is rightfully his once least I hope so


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