Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Library Loot (9)

Eva with A Striped Armchair, and Marge with The Adventures of a Intrepid Reader, which you should check out both of them, they are great!!! This meme is created to encourage bloggers to share books that they get from the Library, and since I am a avid lover of Libraries this is going to be one meme I am going to love doing every week. And I got quite a lot of books since there was so many of them I wanted to read!! So here they are......

I think of all the series that Lisa Kleypas has written, the Wallflower series is my favorite to read, and I love reading Daisy's story as she is my favorite of all the wallflowers, very free spirited and carefree.

I have really enjoyed reading from Paula Quinn, and I love her covers and her stories, and I have yet to read this one so I thought that I would pick it up and enjoy reading delights that this author gives to her readers.

This is part of the Girl Bachelor series, which I have loved reading so far, and I hope this one will be just as great as Guhrke's other books!!!

Karen Maried Moning is such a great author, and one of my favorite in the paranormal genre. I always get into her books, and I have loved reading the Highlander Series, I think men in kilts are my weakness in reading, so I am eager to read this one!!

I have just recently read the first one in this series The Flame and the Flower and loved it, so I am eager to read Jeff's story, and this author is such a classic with her romances!

Its that time of year, to start reading what is my favorite to read, Christmas and Holiday stories, definitely going to get some warm fuzzies reading this one and hopefully some great romances with this anthology with some great romance historical authors!!

I love westerns especially when they involve Native Americans which this author is great at. Its a story of a spirited woman who is always getting into trouble, even though she doesn't think so, and only the loner renegade saves her much to his chagrin. Definitely going to enjoy reading one of Dellin's romances!!

So I am definitely going to enjoy my reading for this upcoming week thats for sure!!! So many good ones to start with, which shall I pick to start reading? Such a difficult choice!!


  1. Nice loot! Kleypas and one of the Scottish Monings are great! I think men in kilts used to be my romance weakness but I haven't read one for ages now!

    Enjoy your loot.

  2. I've read the Kleypas and the Guhrke ones, both very good reads.

    Oh! and both the protagonists are called Daisy! :D hadn't thought of it until now.

    Hope you enjoy them



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